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Understand the Energetic Field
This community explores the chakras in a new way. Get to know the multidimensional field and how this is impacting your everyday life. When you're lost, this will help put you back on the path!
Chakra Oracle Deck Set
Like the Tarot or other Oracle decks, these 78 cards rely equally on the left and right brain to bring through the most accurate information for reading any situation. This deck reads from the Akashic Level meaning once information is gathered and relayed patterns of the SOUL can be changed "karma" learned in a single life.
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Guided meditaitons to get centered and grounded, learn about dowsing and numerology, and courses to expand your spiritual path.
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For those who have cultivated a spiritual practice and looking to take it to next level - body activation meditations, courses on personal growth and breaking archetypes.

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